
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

4 things to fear even after doing a Good Deed:

4 things to fear even after doing a Good Deed:

Faqih Samarkandi رحمه الله  says that the person who does one good deed should be weary of four things (imagine what a person who commits a sin should be afraid of): 

1. The fear of not being accepted because Allah says:`Allah only accepts from those who fear.' [Maidah: 27] 

2. The fear of showing off, for Allah says: `They have been instructed to worship Allah sincerely; religion is for him Alone.' [Bayinah: 5] 

3. The fear of preserving the good deed because Allah says: `Whoever brings a good deed shall have ten times its reward.' [An`am: 161] 

4. The fear of being deserted in performing good deeds, for Allah says: `My reconciliation (with good) is only through Allah; it is upon Him that I trust and it is to Him that I resort.' [Hud: 88]

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