Saturday, September 28, 2019

Signs of wretchedness- by Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani

Signs of wretchedness- by Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani rh

Among the signs of wretchedness of the servant is the hardness of the heart, dryness of his eyes, vastness of his hopes.
his niggardliness with regard to what he possesses, giving little importance to the commandments and prohibitions and his
dissatisfaction when tribulations strike.

When you see someone of this description, be aware that he is wretched. The person with a hard heart does not show mercy toward anyone and his eyes never turn moist with tears in times of happiness or in times of sadness, for the dryness of his eyes is due to the hardness of his heart.

How could his heart not be hard when it is filled with hopes, acts of disobedience, sins, wide expectations, desire to obtain things which are not destined to be his, envy toward their owners and niggardliness with regard to the obligatory alms?

Additionally, he does not pay the dues of expiations, does not fulfill his vows, does
not pay attention to the needs of his relatives, does not settle his debts despite his ability to do so and even tries to delay them in the hope of avoiding payment altogether and hates to give anything by way of charity or in payment of a debt. All these and the like are signs of wretchedness.

The Invincible One said: (Has not the time yet come for the hearts of those who belleve to submit with humility to the remembrance of Allah and to the truth which has been revealed?} [Quran 57:16].

-From Jila Al Khatir by Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani rh

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