has made the month of Ramadhan a noble one in which opportunities for
worship are opened to his fasting devotees, as are the doors of Paradise. Whereas,
the gates of Hellfire are shut and the devils are chained.
اَللّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِى رَجَبَ وَ شَعْبَانَ وَ
بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَان
by at-Tabarani , Ahmad and Majmaʿ
al-zawāʾid: vol.iii, p. 140]
also used to prepare to meet Ramaḍān during the month of Shaʿbān through
becoming abundant in his fasting and standing in prayer.
[Sunan al-Tirmidhī ,
vol.v/Kitāb al-daʿwāt 49, Bāb 51:h.3451.]
another transmission he added: “a crescent of virtue and guidance, a crescent
of virtue and guidance, a crescent of virtue and guidance.”
Abī Dāwūd: vol.5/
al-adab 35,
would say to them, “This month has dawned upon you and in it is a night
superior to a thousand months.
is deprived of it, has been deprived of the entirety of goodness. And nobody is
deprived of it except the destitute (al-maḥrūm).”
Ibn Māja :
vol.i, Kitāb
al-ṣiyām 7/
Bāb 2:h.1644.]
also said, “The doors of the Heavens open on the first night of the month of
Ramaḍān and they do not close until its last night.”
al-zawāʾid: vol.iii, p.142.]
Allah, deliver me soundly to the month of Ramaḍān, deliver [the blessings of]
Ramaḍān to me in soundness, and deliver it to me soundly with [my efforts]
sallimnī li-Ramaḍān wa sallim Ramaḍāna
wa sallimhu lī mutaqabbalan) .
al-ʿummāl : vol. viii/ h.24277]
al-zawāʾid: vol.iii, p. 142.]
is reported on the authority of Salmān al-Fārisī (RA) saying, “The Messenger of
God (SAWS) spoke to us on the last day of Shaʿbān
people, a great and blessed month has emerged upon you. In it there is a night
that is superior to a thousand months.
It is the month of patience and the
reward for patience is Paradise.
It is a month of kindness to others and in it the provision
of the believer is increased.
Who arranges for breaking the fast of a believer in it, he is forgiven for his sins and he is freed from the Hellfire, and to him is a similar reward without diminishing the reward [of the fasting person] in any way.
grants this reward to one who breaks the fast of another person by a bit of
milk or a sip of water. And who feeds a fasting person to his fill will be
granted drink from my pure spring after which one will never thirst until he
enters Paradise.
[Kanz al-ʿummāl : vol.8/h.23714.]
if Ramaḍān is filled with so much reward and blessing, then what could be more pressing
for us than to strive in welcoming it and preparing for its arrival in a way
that is worthy of its rank and the blessings it encompasses?
awareness of the distinguishing characteristics of this month as opposed to
other months will motivate us in achieving this goal.
I was learning more about Ramadan so I found this page :) Happy Ramadan 2013 =)
ReplyDeleteMashaaAllah akhi, great page! May Allah SWT grant you steadfastness.
ReplyDeleteVery beneficial, jazakallah
ReplyDeleteJazakumullah Khayr!